BHPA 200 Club

How It Works!
For those of you who have not come across a 200 club before, here is a description of the scheme:

The Plan
Up to 200 people buy one or more ‘shares’ per year. Half the total sum raised goes to BHPA 200 Club and the other half is distributed on a termly basis to winning ‘shareholders’ whose share numbers have been drawn.

The cost of each yearly share is £12 (£4 per term). Shareholders may hold more than one share. The amount of £12 per share is payable on the 4 January each year and thereafter by standing order. It is the Shareholder’s responsibility to cancel their standing order if they no longer wish to participate in the club, and we kindly ask that you notify the 200 Club Administrator when you do so.

Each share is numbered, and that number belongs to the member to whom it is allocated for as long as he or she is a paid-up member of the BHPA 200 Club.

Prize Draw
All share numbers are included in each termly draw. The draw will be made by the Headmaster or at least two BHPA Committee Members either at a School Assembly or a BHPA event. Prize money depends on the number of paid-up shareholders.

For example – if all the shares were sold:
Income per annum from 200 shares @ £12 per share = £2,400!
£1,200 Profit for the BHPA
£1,200 Prize Money split between 3 termly draws, £400 per term!
(1st Prize: £200, 2nd Prize: £100, 3rd Prize: £50 x 2)

You can see that this scheme raises serious money for the BHPA, which will be used for current projects – and gives you a chance of winning your money back each term – and more! Your interest in the BHPA, and your support, is greatly appreciated and we hope you will want to take part in this fundraising scheme.

Please complete the attached application form and return it to the School Office for the attention of the BHPA 200 Club. Winners will be notified through the Griffin Newsletter and on BHPA Facebook page.

200 Club Entry Form

I wish to join the Beech Hall Parents’ Association 200 Club. Please enter my name and address to the list of members. I understand that the Annual Membership fee(s) of £12 per share number will be payable by standing order until further notice.

